Did you know that regular chiropractic adjustments can provide preventative health care? It’s not just about waiting until something really bad happens to your body before you do something about it.
Read MoreThe two biggest factors I currently see to achieving this are regular adjustments and a proactive lifestyle. Regular adjustments can vary from person to person, but it is essentially whatever is needed to maintain great spinal health throughout the weeks.
Read MoreThat annoying pebble in your shoe is just like the subluxation causing misalignment in your spine. The best thing to do is take the pebble out. Get checked by a chiropractor and get adjusted so your spine can be in optimal alignment to function at your best.
Read MoreThe nervous system communicates from the brain to the body through your spinal cord and spinal nerves. When there is a misalignment of the spine and pressure is placed on the nerves, the efficiency of the communication system goes down.
Read MoreCan you finish the lyric from this famous nursery rhyme from Humpty Dumpty? What if I were to tell you that chiropractic care and a nursery rhyme had more to do with each other than you might think?
Read MoreWhen you enter into our adjusting room at Atlas Chiropractic and look to the left, one of the first things you will see are two giant safety pins hanging on the wall. One of them says “dis-ease” next to it and the other says “ease.”
Read MorePeople often ask me when is the best time to begin chiropractic care for newborns. My recommendation is immediately after birth!
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