All the King's Horses and All the King's Men

Can you finish the lyric from this famous nursery rhyme from Humpty Dumpty? What if I were to tell you that chiropractic care and a nursery rhyme had more to do with each other than you might think? For those of you not in the new parent or new grandparent phase of life, you may not be able to remember the lyric very quickly. Everyone else can collectively say, “..couldn’t put Humpty together again!”

Sunday around lunch time right before we were putting our daughter down for her nap, she was watching a few popular nursery rhymes. I happened to look up to see Humpty Dumpty. I heard the lyrics repeat themselves four or five times. The very last time, I saw the “king’s horses” and the “king’s men” putting bandages on Humpty’s injuries to treat the problem. I said out loud to myself, “well that’s not going to help the problem of him continuing to fall off the wall.” It is like treating the symptom and not addressing the root of the problem. They can put all the bandages on him they want to but if they don’t figure out a way to keep Humpty from falling off the wall, their efforts are useless. I looked at my wife and shouted that this is like chiropractic! We aren’t dealing with the symptoms alone but the root of the problem that is causing the symptoms.

Chiropractic Gets To The Root Of The Problem

Chiropractic is interested in discovering the cause of the problem. Chiropractic is interested in eliminating that cause (subluxations) with specific adjustments to the spine and nervous system. This adjustment produces alignment for the spine that permits the nervous system to function at 100%. A healthy functioning nervous system means that the body’s systems can work the way that they were intended to.

I like to think “all the King’s horses and men” collectively tried to help encourage Humpty to be more careful up on his wall that he kept falling from. However, they only acted on the effect of the problem by bandaging him up after every fall. So sad for Humpty! Thankfully, you know that the care in our office aims at the root of the problem and addresses meeting the needs of the whole person.