Treating Injuries With Chiropractic

The Importance of Treating Injuries With Chiropractic

In treating injuries with chiropractic it is important to note that healing happens best from a firm foundation. When there has been an injury to the body that has impacted your nervous system and spinal alignment, your body will naturally work to repair and restore the injured tissue. The timing of that healing process varies due to multiple factors including severity, age, history and other contributing keys. The spine and nervous system are foundations of your body and are essential to be working at their best in order to promote healing. Since your spine acts as your foundation, it is vital that everything is in good working order at the foundation in order to then allow for your repair tissues and organs to function at their best.

An Example Of Treating Injuries With Chiropractic

Let me give you a simple example. I had a patient fall off his bike doing some recreational riding recently. The fall caused several issues throughout the whole body including to the wrists and ankles. Even though these areas are the furthest anatomical structures from the spine, there are still nerves that return back to the foundation of the spine. I have to check those areas in the spine and make sure everything is in ideal alignment to allow for proper healing.  

I say all this to stress the importance of taking action. When there has been an injury, I recommend getting it checked right away versus waiting for weeks, months or years. The sooner it is checked and the spine is adjusted, if necessary, I propose that the faster your body will heal. We can all agree, the faster the better in this case. I applaud this patient for coming in the next day following the accident. I strongly believe it will help accelerate his recovery.

Taking Action To Recover Quickly

If something like this has happened to you or a loved one recently, I encourage you to take action and get it checked as soon as possible. As your body is recovering, you want it to be rebuilt on a solid, firm foundation. A healthy, fully functioning spine and nervous system is just that!