What is the Atlas?

The atlas is the first bone in the neck (cervical spine) and it is the connecting piece between the brain

and the body. It surrounds and protects the brainstem. Some of your most important health functions

occur within the brainstem, such as: breathing, monitoring heart rate, sleeping, eating and many more.

It would be an understatement to suggest that supporting and protecting the atlas is somewhat

important, instead it is vital.

Why does the Atlas get out of alignment?

The atlas has a propensity to get out of alignment and put pressure on your nervous system, also known

as a subluxation. It is impacted by stressors that are physical, biochemical, emotional or spiritual in

nature. When the stressors are too much for the body to process, the nerves get impacted and the

subluxation will occur at this level.

The Atlas Adjustment Advantage

In my experience, until the atlas is adjusted into proper alignment, the rest of the nervous system

cannot work at its best. The advantage that you receive in your whole spine by getting adjusted is

maximized while also making sure your atlas is corrected when it is subluxated.