A Healthy Nervous System

A Healthy Nervous System: Dis-ease v. Ease

When you enter into our adjusting room at Atlas Chiropractic and look to the left, one of the first things you will see are two giant safety pins hanging on the wall. One of them says “dis-ease” next to it and the other says “ease.”

What Does A Healthy Nervous System Look Like?

These safety pins are tools and reminders to us of what a healthy nervous system and spine look like. The safety pin that says dis-ease is not connected while the safety pin that says ease is connected. The parts of the safety pin mean the same thing for each of the two. The top part represents the brain and the bottom represents the body. The metal pieces on each side represent the nerves going to and from the brain. The nerves that travel from the body to the brain are called afferent nerves. The nerves that travel from the brain to the body are called efferent nerves. Afferent nerves send signals to the brain to tell the body to do something. Efferent nerves go from the brain and make the body move as a result.

Here is a practical example. Let’s say you are hungry. Messages from your stomach tell your brain it is time to eat so you do just that. Once you consume food, the gut starts to activate enzymes and other metabolic processes to breakdown the food and assimilate into your cells to provide nourishment. Once the body has adequate food, the hunger signals should stop and you will stop eating. This happens in a healthy, complete cycle. This is represented by the closed loop safety pin. Nerves communicate freely back and forth with no interference and your body is in a happy state of ease.

What happens when the safety pin is open and the communication is interfered with or not connected well? Great question; let’s see! Same scenario with the meal above, except this time the brain doesn’t know exactly what the body needs or vice versa. The body can continue to tell the brain that it needs food but the brain doesn’t activate the acids or enzymes necessary for digestion. The other side could be activating too much acid when it is not necessary and lead to uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

An “Interference-Free” Healthy Nervous System

At the end of the day, having an “interference-free” healthy nervous system allows your body to communicate to your brain at its best. A closed safety pin shows ease and balance. Isn’t this what we all want?! Of course it is! Remember that the next time you get adjusted this is exactly my objective when you get adjusted. To remove interference from your spine and nervous system and allow your body to rest and play in a state of absolute ease!