Summer Supplement School

Whether it’s working in the garden, going for a swim, walking through a city you’re visiting while on vacation, etc., we as a society are generally more active in the summer. It is a welcomed change for most people, until the temperatures get too crazy hot! And while school is about to end for most children, we are taking our patients back to school in June. No worries though! This will be fun and it will be geared towards keeping you healthy and supported during the summer months. 

Over the summer, I will be discussing three wellness specific supplements that are essential year-round, but especially so in the summer. The first supplement we will discuss is a great support for your joint and cartilage health.  The next supplement we’ll cover supports a healthy gut, which is key to a healthy lifestyle. The last supplement we will talk about has many health benefits, one of them being energy support so you can keep up with your favorite summer activities. 

The good news is all three supplement school session will be on Facebook live on the Atlas Chiropractic page. Because we are talking about just one supplement each week, these videos will be short but helpful. The first session is May 28 at 8:30pm. We will also have sessions on June 4th and June 18th. Join us as we discuss our first supplement, AgilEase, what it is and how it could be a vital part of you achieving your health and wellness goals. We will also post the videos after each session.